This past year has been full of changes so how is it that we drive positive change, when the world is continuously changing? The answer we’ve come to, to date, is building connections and relationships. Strengthening connections and relationships that energize people and communities, that open dialogue, that spark ideas and new ways of working and living, that ultimately empower and drive change. It’s meant that our work been varied as we prototype alongside community and key stakeholders what new systems could look like in employment, in social settings, for our multicultural sector and for wellbeing. Throughout our work as a result it’s highlighted our key approaches that help us to drive change together:
Whilst there are many barriers and challenges our communities face, there is also strength, creativity, and a passion for a vision of Aotearoa where we all belong. It goes beyond convening our sector, communities, and key stakeholders, but moves towards action through collaboration by determining together common goals. Systems changing innovations, policies, partnerships, and resource flows that are sustainable requires collaboration..
Amplifying Voices:
Community is at the heart of our work, and it’s important that throughout our initiatives there is an opportunity to amplify the voices of our communities; the voices of those with lived experiences. As organisations, we have a responsibility to not only serve our communities but to empower them, to be present, to lead and to be actively involved in spaces that impact them. It speaks to the power of storytelling in sparking change.
Advocating for Change
As we collaborate and amplify voices an importance piece is around advocating for change. It takes our collaborative learnings and community voices and pushes it towards action for what needs to change and what it can change to. It’s more than just sharing our learnings and calling for actions, but it’s about change-makers and those that hold power in systems the opportunity to be part of our shared vision that draw out the shared values of equality, creativity, and social justice.
The Summit held over three days brought together changemakers from around Aotearoa, from government, community, non-profits, and service providers who want to make a positive difference to the settlement journeys of resettled communities (people from forced migrant/former refugee backgrounds). (moving to a national voice)
A community-led media campaign, cross-cultural understanding training and media hui promoting inclusion, through story sharing, anti-racism education, training and sessions to support media engagement, facilitation and leadership capabilities.
To improve a sense of belonging and wellbeing for former refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, a facility has been secured to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ to enable services providers to efficiently deliver their support, reduce duplication, increase accessibility to communities and encourage networking and collaboration between services. Thanks to Planet FM, a facility has been secured with $1.6M raised for this shared hub.
Sharing the collaborative research findings around the bespoke needs of former refugee and marginalised migrant communities in New Zealand that enhanced the knowledge pool on responding to their communities and deepen insights and learning to help inform practice, advise policy and support resourcing.
Tūhonohono Diversity
A range of initiatives to celebrate diversity and support collaboration in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area. Treaty workshops, A book of stories and Intercultural Dinner were mechanisms supporting community engagement that helped build a greater sense of belonging for local diverse ethnic communities.
A survey report focusing on 160 people born overseas and currently living in Auckland and their experiences in the time of COVID. The findings highlight the vulnerability of migrant communities exasperated in the time of COVID and the need for a whole of society approach, where empathy and collective action is needed for collective wellbeing.
A subsidised internship programme that matched the unique skills, talents, and experiences of partners of skilled migrants to businesses through an up to three-month paid internship
Programme for former refugee and migrant background women to grow their confidence, readiness, and skills to achieve your aspirations through learning opportunities, mentoring and more.