#Heard #Recognised #Understood #Resourced
These were the key words that resonated at the Tūmanako Summit, that brought together changemakers from across Aotearoa, New Zealand.
The Summit was organised by Belong Aotearoa, Asylum Seekers Support Trust and Aotearoa Resettled Community Coalition, with the idea stemming from the collective vision of the Auckland Resettlement Sector Steering Group (ARSSG). ARSSG vision is for resettlement/settlement processes in Aotearoa that enables all former refugees (Quota, Convention, Family Reunification, and people who seek asylum) to have equitable access to culturally appropriate support and services for them to be self-sufficient and thrive in their new home.
For the ARSSG national summit in June 2021, the vision was to create a space for changemakers across community, government, non-government organisations, and academia, to come together and explore system wide solutions and opportunities. The summit amplified the voices of people with lived experience to shape and inform the system.
Over 100 people attended the summit, with there being a strong call to action for a unified national voice, led by people with lived experience, to disrupt the system that currently doesn’t work for former refugees. As a result, an interim working group was formed, and a National Alliance of like-minded organisations being developed following the summit. The National Alliance is backboned by Belong Aotearoa, to facilitate the systems change agenda forward.
The Refugee Alliance is a new collective of member organisations advocating for systemic change to create positive settlement journeys and brighter futures for refugees in Aotearoa. The Alliance strengthens connection, coordination and collaboration between NGOs, community groups and their allies to collectively advocate for change.
Membership is free in 2021. Visit the website or email info@refugeealliance.org.nz for more information and to express interest in your organisation becoming a member. Together we are stronger!