Do you want to help your community learn about Te Tiriti o Waitangi?
Introducing a free training programme for facilitators from ethnic communities from migrant and former refugee communities living in Henderson-Massey*.
(*Suburbs covered: Glendene, Henderson, Lincoln, Massey, Ranui, Sunnyvale, Te Atatū Peninsula, Te Atatū South, West Harbour).
You will help your community learn about questions such as:
What is Te Tiriti o Waitangi? What was agreed by the signatories?
How did colonisation impact this country?
How is Te Tiriti important for our communities in Aotearoa today?
You will bring your language skills and expertise in working with your community.
We will bring our educational resources and experience in delivering this programme for newcomers and supporting diverse ethnic communities in Aotearoa.
Together we will design an event (or events) for your communities to share and learn about Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
This programme is ideal for community leaders, organisers or educators from ethnic communities. Ideally, you will be nominated by your organisation (so that you will have their support for the final event).
What is the time commitment?
Please note: priority will be given to those living in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area so all others will be put on a waiting list.
Contact for more information or sign up below.
Funded by Henderson-Massey Local Board